Destroy the Icon Progress 06

 Loading the image of the Afghan girl into my fourth iteration artboard, I decided to use the effects "color halftone" and "fragment." I then used these image as a picture to blend into the original.

Photoshop crashed multiple times when I was trying to content-aware fill both images (I was only able to get the underwater image to save), so I took a section out of the middle of the clouds and turned it into a stamp! The underwater and stamped cloud layer was blended on lighten. I imported another image of the afghan girl, using the pointilize effect, and blended it on top of the other images using saturation. This is the result of those steps:

I created a new layer and filled it with one of photoshops "water" stamps, blending it into all the preexisting layers with the blending mode "darker color" to create this final image!


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