Fantasy Appliance Progress 04


In these images, I took the originally outlined base and added gradient fills to the inside. I then added the vectorized water image to a background layer, where I repositioned all of my shapes/objects. (As you can see, I forgot to make the water layer greyscale; I corrected this in the next few steps.) I decided to put the blender in the center of the image to make it appear as though it was sucking water up into the blender from the bottom. 

After deciding I wanted to have some kind of substance coming out of the top of the blender, I removed the lid layer and added it to the water. I found that setting it on top made my work look flat; so I set the lid at an angle, and erased half of it to make it appear as though it has been thrown in the water and is sinking. From here I then added another gradient fill to the top portion of the blender and on the handle (playing with transparency); as well as the button in the middle. I additionally added a curved shape to the base of the blender behind the top portion to make my object appear more 3D.


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