Cyclical Nature Progress 03
After feeling lost in terms of purpose/meaning behind this assignment, I decided to really dig deeper with the concept "ground-hog day"; waking up to a new day everyday, making this consistent bowl of oatmeal.
With this photo, I added (and masked) an image of some oats overtop of the bowl of instant oatmeal to symbolize how small we really are in the world; all of the other grains represent the many other lives and mornings, and how this image is just a peek into one persons day. I also masked, copied and scaled the spoon to make it larger; I felt that made the image more interesting.
I tried adding clouds in this image, to make it appear foggy to give off a "groggy unsettling deja vu" feeling but didn't like it.
These are two iterations of trying to convey the same concept but with water; still very unsure with how to achieve an unsettling "we've been here before" look.
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