Inspiration comes in many forms. A lot of my inspiration is additive; I start a creative process, and find inspiration along the way, and I continue to add to the piece I started as a blank slate. I want to pick something personal, because I believe some of the most powerful, intentional work comes from a personal place. Journaling: This is something I use as an outlet. It's something I've done since high-school; 5ish years ago from now. It's where I share my innermost thoughts, feelings, problems and stories. It evokes a feeling of home, and has been a source of personal growth. Home: I feel like a lot of people see home as a place, or maybe even a person. I think home is more of a feeling, or a state of being; something that can be found or associated with a person, place or thing. Home (in my opinion) is the feeling of belonging, content-ness in oneself, a comfortable, peaceful feeling. A place to relax, or be yourself. Home for me is the desk that I sit at to draw ...